Monday 1 August 2016

My Experience During Eid

My Experience During Eid

          This year, I celebrated Eid in my mother village. My family arrived four days before Eid. I was so happy and excited. I cannot wait to meet my other family members, eat the food, especially kuih raya and getting duit raya.

          Unfortunately, two days before Eid, I got sick. I never expect this. I was thinking how I want to celebrate this Eid if I am sick. I do not want to celebrate Eid with this sickness. So, I take Panadol. I try to eat even though I do not feel like want to eat.

          On the first day of Eid, my mother and my aunt notice something. They notice some red spots on my face and my body. So, they thought I got chicken pox. I go to see the doctor and take some medicine. I feel sad I have to experience this during Eid. But, soon after I get better, I try to enjoy Eid.

sarah nadhirah