Monday 1 August 2016

My Experience During Eid

My Experience During Eid

          This year, I celebrated Eid in my mother village. My family arrived four days before Eid. I was so happy and excited. I cannot wait to meet my other family members, eat the food, especially kuih raya and getting duit raya.

          Unfortunately, two days before Eid, I got sick. I never expect this. I was thinking how I want to celebrate this Eid if I am sick. I do not want to celebrate Eid with this sickness. So, I take Panadol. I try to eat even though I do not feel like want to eat.

          On the first day of Eid, my mother and my aunt notice something. They notice some red spots on my face and my body. So, they thought I got chicken pox. I go to see the doctor and take some medicine. I feel sad I have to experience this during Eid. But, soon after I get better, I try to enjoy Eid.

sarah nadhirah

Thursday 28 July 2016



Image result for baju raya family 2016
 Most often on the feast celebrating mostly Muslims do not know how to manage their finance production and ends with waste.
There are some tips on how to manage financial on Hari Raya to avoid wastage:

  1. Shopping for clothes according to the needs and abilities - Only clothes for the feast of the first and second day only and not  by lust when shopping.For example, buy too much, and do not apply and only exhibited her in the closet alone.
  2. Do not cook food in large quantities: Check with the family members who want to visit the homes and other relatives and only cook according to the number of people who visited the house on Hari Raya.Thus it can avoid wasting food and make the family members become more closer to each others.
  3. Spending money wisely: Buy only what you need or buy good in bulk in order to get bargain.In addition , we can find a supermarket that makes a sale on a large scale. It can also beneficial to us because it can cut our costs on Hari Raya



As we know usually on Hari Raya we have variety of delicious food . But , unfortunately all the foods contains high cholestrols and fats that may be harm to our body . Mostly Muslims celebrating eid ignores about unhealthy content contained in the diet they take during the feast. There are many ways  to keep fit on Hari Raya : 
  1. Take less quantities of foods - We can eat "rendang" , "nasi impit" , "lemang" , "ketupat" and others delicacies that become a tradition during the festival . But , we must balance the intake of food that we take on Hari Raya . For example , eat a few pieces of "lemang" only and smaller quantities of "rendang" .
  2. Take less carbonated and sweet drinks - As we know that drinks containing carbonate and sweet is not good for the body and it may cause diabetes . For example ,we can drinks  carbonate and sweet water but we also need to take bigger quantities of plain water to prevent our body to get diabetes .