Thursday 28 July 2016


As we know usually on Hari Raya we have variety of delicious food . But , unfortunately all the foods contains high cholestrols and fats that may be harm to our body . Mostly Muslims celebrating eid ignores about unhealthy content contained in the diet they take during the feast. There are many ways  to keep fit on Hari Raya : 
  1. Take less quantities of foods - We can eat "rendang" , "nasi impit" , "lemang" , "ketupat" and others delicacies that become a tradition during the festival . But , we must balance the intake of food that we take on Hari Raya . For example , eat a few pieces of "lemang" only and smaller quantities of "rendang" .
  2. Take less carbonated and sweet drinks - As we know that drinks containing carbonate and sweet is not good for the body and it may cause diabetes . For example ,we can drinks  carbonate and sweet water but we also need to take bigger quantities of plain water to prevent our body to get diabetes .


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